Workshop Proceedings
Session 1: Dark Patterns, Bright Patterns
Session 2: Privacy
Session 3: Equity
Session 4-5: Future of Work, Economy, Businesses
- Policy Design in Data Economy: In Need for a Public Online News(Eco)System?, Viktoria Horn and Claude Draude;
- How can we influence ‘future of work’ policies?, Sandy J.J. Gould;
- Examining Cashless Payment Services in a “Post” Pandemic Environment, Janiya R. Peters and Orissa Rose;
- Designing for Equity in Public Sector Data-Driven Innovations: Exploring the Desired Futures of Historically Underserved Business Owners, Seyun Kim, Bonnie Fan, Willa Yunqi Yang, Yinan Li, Jonatahn Ho, Sarah E Fox, Jessie Ramey, Haiyi Zhu, John Zimmerman, and Motahhare Eslami;
- Educating the AI leaders of the future: the approach of AI4Gov, Marzia Mortati, Camilla Roveri, and Gianluca Misuraca;
- Professional Ethics by Design: Co-creating Codes of Conduct for Computational Practice, Samuel Danzon-Chambaud and Marguerite Foissac;
Session 6: Technology for the Public Sector
Session 7: Anticipating Technological Harm
- Change Policy or Users? Mitigating the Security Risks of Thermal Attacks, Shaun Alexander Macdonald, Habiba Farzand, Norah Alotaibi, Md Shafiqulislam, and Mohamed Khamis;
- Anticipating Unintended Consequences of Technology Using Insights fromCreativity Support Tools, Rock Yuren Pang and Katharina Reinecke;
- Everyday Data and Everyday Publics, Paola Pierri, Aysun Aytaç, Jon Rogers, Michael Shorter, Sabine Junginger;
- Decoding the Gendered Design and (Dis)Affordances of Face-editing Technologies in China, Xinyuan Luo and Renwen Zhang;
Session 8: Thinking Upstream - Tech Design Deliberation and Participation
Session 9: Policy Approaches to HCI Design
Session 10: HCI Approaches to Policy Design
- Sociotechnical Perspectives on Social Media Regulation, Eric Gilbert, Sarita Schoenebeck, Motahhare Eslami, and Cami Goray;
- Participatory Simulation-Building for Policy Design, Jonathan Lynn, Angie Zhang, Alexander Boltz, and Min Kyung Lee;
- Metaphors as facilitators: Grounding the commons in participatory prototyping policies, Natalia Gulbransen-Diaz, Benedetta Lusi, and Ajit G. Pillai;
Session 11: Abstract Policy, Specific Tech
Session 12: Long-Term Policy, Fast-Changing Tech
Session 13: Case Studies - Calls for Designing Tech and Policy Simultaneously
Session 14: Case Studies - What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
- Epistemic Injustice in Technology and Policy Design: Lessons from New York City’s Heat Complaints System, Mohsin Yousufi, Charlotte Alexander, and Nassim Parvin;
- Designing Data Advocacy for Home Care Workers, Joy Ming;
- How Design Can Impact Labor Shifting as a Result of Technological Advances, Jodi Forlizzi;
- From Bad to Worse: Using Private Data to Propagate Disinformation on Online Platforms with a Greater Efficiency, Protik Bose Pranto, Waqar Hassan Khan, Sahar Abdelnabi, Rebecca Weil, Mario Fritz, and Rakibul Hasan;
Session 15: Histories and Road Ahead in Designing Tech and Policy Simultaneously